• Automobiles

All-Electric Corvette Hits Over 330 Kmph, Set a New speed Milestone

An American firm, Genovation Cars set a new fastest speed record for the road-legal all-electric vehicle. It is a fully electric modified Chevrolet C6 Corvette Z06, dubbed the Genovation Extreme Electric Car (GXE) hits the top speed of 330.8 kmph on a track at the Kennedy Space Station in Florida, which is used for space shuttle landing.

International Mile Racing Association, which has been run timing at the Shuttle landing track since 2011, has officially certified the Genovation Cars’ GXE for the record breaking speed yesterday. The American-based company replaced the Corvette’s 505 hp naturally-aspirated 7.0-litre V8 engine with the electric configuration of a 44 KWh battery and two electric motors. The whole new setup produces 600 hp of power in combination with the 637 Nm of torque, and makes the car faster than it was before.

However, the specification of this modified car has not revealed by the Genovation. It is not revealed by the brand that how much weight the batteries put to the car’s mass. As it does not have the standard car’s 50-50 weight distribution ideology, though, it should still carry the similar lively handling.

Back in March this year, the Genovation Corvette Z06 touched 300 kmph speed and after just four months, the car broke its own record with the increased speed by almost 32 kmph.

It was just a few weeks ago, when a British automotive journalist, Jonny Smith set a new world quarter-mile record for a street-legal electric car. Jonny modified a 1970’s Enfield 8000 electric city car and named it ‘Flux Capacitor’, which completed the quarter-mile sprint in just 9.87 seconds at a thundering speed of 195.9 kmph.
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