• Automobiles

The Most Elite Mercedes-Benz S-Class Pullman on the Cards

In the fight to launch the world's most luxurious, safe and opulent car, the Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz have been coming up with some of the models which are not only the choice of common people, but of the presidents as well. But, now Mercedes-Benz is planning to swipe the whole market with its new S-Class Pullman Limo. And, this car will not only leave the Rolls-Royce behind in features, but in price as well with the tag of nearly US $ 1 million (INR 6 Crore).

The car has many features which definitely makes it a president buy as its new armor plating is there to protect the passengers against the continues gun fire, grenade and other small explosions. There will be four face to face rear seats with the front compartment and the seats will be separated by a partition. On the engine front, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Pullman will have the same 6.0 Liter twin turbocharged V12 power mill with the capacity of producing the 523 hp @ 4900 – 5300 rpm and 830 Nm torque @ 1900 – 4000 rpm. However, the car won't be as fast and efficient as it has to be because of the increased length and weight.

The car will launch in the next year as the 2016 model and will fight in the market with the likes of Rolls-Royce Phantom and Ghost to become the numero uno car in the market while someone speaks about the exclusivity, sophistication and leisure. And, by the looks and features of this car, the Mercedes-Benz is surely on their way to success.