• Mobiles

Facebook Decides to Improve News Feed and Introduce Offline Feature

Constantly, Facebook has been striving to improve its mobile apps to increase the user experience and recently, the company has rolled-out some more updates to make better the way users work on slower internet connections. A few days ago, it has improved its News Feed to load quicker on Android devices for the user's engagement.

According to the company, “Our mission with News Feed is to connect people with the stories that matter most to them, but if people's News Feed are not loading because of poor internet connections, we can't show them the most relevant stories. It further stated, “As a next step in improving people's experiences on slower internet connections, we are shipping several changes that will more efficiently show you relevant stories in your News Feed when you're on a slow connection and will let you compose comments on posts when you are offline”.

Currently, testing is going on the update in which the company is looking at all the previously downloaded stories present on a user's phone that still have not been checked and, then rank them according to their relevance. Along with this, Facebook also viewing, whether the images for the story are available or not. Through this way, the Facebook will now show relevant stories that have not been seen.

In addition to, Facebook app will also rank relevant and downloaded stories that will take place, when a user moves to News Feed from the app or click on to refresh stories at the top of the feed.

Those, who have a poor internet connection like 2G or those, whose network connectivity is good, but due to irregular connections in place, such as subways and tunnels, these new updates will definitely assist them.