• Technology

Google Brings VR SDK 1.0 For Developers to Aid App Development

Google is one of the most popular tech firms known to us. Each one of the tech enthusiasts is aware of the fact that the American-based multinational tech giant had kept its users on hold for a long time before I/O event this year as it was expected that the company would launch a standalone VR headset.

However, to everybody's surprise, it chose to announce Daydream VR hardware and software reference platform. Now again the company is making headlines as it has brought its first Google VR SDK 1.0 compatible with a decent number of smartphones. However, one must not forget that the first set of smartphones to support this platform are expected to launch this coming summer. The company adds that the Daydream platform is finally out of beta stage.

For those who are interested in taking a sneak peek at the Daydream project or have devices that support the platform can actually visit the developer website, download the Google VR SDK 1.0 files and use them as per the requirements.

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As always, Google stated its comment via blog post on the official developer site that reads "Our updated SDK simplifies common VR development tasks so you can focus on building immersive, interactive mobile VR applications for Daydream-ready phones and headsets, and supports integrated asynchronous reprojection, high fidelity spatialised audio, and interactions using the Daydream controller."

To boost its foothold, Google also partnered with several other big names like Unity and Unreal so as to allow developers make use of game engines and different tools that they are familiar with. To aid the developers, the company has provided relevant documentation, sample applications to look to as well as easy to use tutorials on its website.

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For those who are confused on Daydream being only a hardware standard for smartphones, the company has clarified that it not only includes hardware but is also a software platform. Additionally, the smartphones that are compatible with the platform will come with a feature called Android VR mode, which includes optimizations for better app performance. The company is also opening a separate program under the name of Daydream Access Program so that it can work closely with developers who register and will make applications for the platform. To register and become a part of this program, visit the official Daydream Access Program page and click - Apply to Join.

To recall, beyond the hardware and software reference platform, Google unveiled the Daydream VR headset - a more robust version of the Google Cardboard that still needs a smartphone for functioning and comes with a Bluetooth-enabled controller with motion recognition abilities.

Video courtesy: CNET

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