
Sony Service Center, Behind Punjab And Sind Bank, Bijnor

Integrated Telecom is located in Behind Punjab And Sind Bank, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh which provides you the best service. Get complete address and phone numbers for quick access and response. Give your valuable rating to Integrated Telecom Bijnor and make us serve you better.

Integrated Telecom

Address : H. No. 1112, Behind Punjab And Sind Bank, Civil Lines
City Or Area : Bijnor
State : Uttar Pradesh
Pincode : 246701
Mobile : +91 9719969003
Landmark : Behind Punjab And Sind Bank
Opening Hours : 10:00 AM To 7:00 PM
Opening Days : Monday To Saturday
Our Services: Mobile, Camera, Laptop, Tablet, Lcd, Led, Speaker, PC, Accessories And Monitor

Sony Toll Free Number: 180030002800

Rating : 00 badnormalgoodbetterbest

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mohd touseeb

sir my mobile is sony ericson xperia x10i. and my mobile problem is power ic. please tell me solution.

Reply 8th, Apr 2016 11:43 AM
Harish Verma
Harish Verma

Sony Xperia Z C6602 touch screen is cracked. How much time will take to replace the same and what is the charge?

Reply 6th, Mar 2015 8:05 PM
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