Supreme Court Denies to Lift the Ban on Diesel Vehicles in Delhi

The rising pollution in Delhi has become a nightmare not only for the Delhiites, but also for the automobile companies, which are currently struggling to lift the ban on registration of diesel vehicles displacing more than 2,000 cc in the country's capital. In a plea regarding this issue, the Supreme Court on Tuesday came hard on automakers like Mahindra, Toyota and Mercedes. Even the Central Government couldn't escape from the harsh words of the court. In the session, manufacturers tried to argue that their cars don't create much pollution and the court literally lost its cool by asking, “Do your cars emit oxygen?”

The carmakers have been directed by the supreme court to present a documentary evidence, which proves that the cars in question pollute as much as or less than the petrol cars. Delhi Government has also been directed not to deny an NOC (No-Objection Certificate) to all the 16 year old petrol and 10 year old diesel cars being sold outside the NCR region. Further, the Centre was questioned regarding the removal of cars aging more than 5-10 years, which are used by govt officials. To this, Centre came with the reply, “We will come back with instructions from the department.”

Air Pollution in Delhi

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Apart from this, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has been informed to put a ban on the commercial vehicles entering the city from 6 major points and allow the entry of Delhi bound vehicles only after the payment of pollution cess. Even the trucks had been restricted to enter the capital city from NH1, NH8, which later on saw the addition of NH2, NH10, NH58 and state highway 57. It was also reported that due to the ban of trucks from entering Delhi through NH1 and NH8, the commercial vehicular traffic has seen a decline of 30% in NCR.

Looks like the air pollution has taken its toll on Delhi and nobody knows what will it end. On one hand, Government is implementing policies to curb pollution, and on the other hand, public is getting agitated and facing a lot of inconvenience. The pollution has crossed the alarming stage and nothing seems to be working. Politicians, bureaucrats, public- together make up the popultaion of Delhi and it appears impossible to come up with a common solution that works in the best interest of all of them. Well, we just hope the issue gets resolved soon.

Source: IndiaToday

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