Can a syringe restore Gunshot Wound in just 15 seconds!

  • 8th, Feb 2014 4:00 PM
  • SAGMart Team
  • View: 1995
  • badnormalgoodbetterbest  (1 rate)

When someone gets shot by any type of bullet, gunshot injuries occurs which is not easy to recover. In battlefield when someone gets gunshot wounds, it may cause serious injuries or may cause soldier's death. Curing the gunshot wounds is really a dispiteous and awful procedure.

A company named RevMedx with a group of doctors, dexterous, scientist invented a new pocket sized device like a syringe that can stop bleeding in 15 seconds and enclose the gunshot wound. That’s a device which we call XState syringe. On a single spray it vanishes out the bleeding within fraction of time, which was quite surprising. Syringe is smaller than rolls of gauze which medico always carry with them.

RevMedx examine it with animal injuries using ordinary sponges by injecting bit of sponge over animal's injury and bleeding gets stopped. They uses sponge, made up of wood pulp and coated with blood-clotting and Chitosan, An antimicrobial substance.

Each sponge is marked by X which shows that nothing is left inside the body. By creating enough pressure to stop bleeding, sponge distends to whole wounded cavity.