Yota and ZTE team uncovered the biggest YotaPhone 3 in 2016

Yota, the Russian company had an interesting concept right from the start. But unfortunately due to its limited availability, it has left the Yoptaphone as a relatively unknown. This is because of Indiegogo campaign, the Yotophone 2 was never released in North America.

It was the traditional Android phone on the front and on the back side it had an elnk display to make reading easier and increase the battery life by the limited use of the traditional display. It is said to have the biggest battery killer.

Yota scheduled to release the YotaPhone 3 in 2016 and wants to change the pattern with its launch. Russian Yota devices has reportedly signed an agreement for the production of its new generation YotaPhone smartphones, as well as the development and integration of mobile services and software with the ZTE.

ZTE is the China's smartphone company and as per the reports of July, it is the fifth best selling smartphone manufacturer in the world. Behind Samsung, Nokia, Apple and LG, ZTE has also a growing footprint in North America as well.

It is expected, the initial production of the YotaPhone 3 is about 100,000 units, but even at that level Yota appears to need the help. But it is requisite that the distribution services are also the part of deal, but ZTE has proven that it can produce quite a lot of devices.