Flexible Battery: A New Era of Batteries

  • 18th, Jun 2015 2:52 PM
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Whenever the word "BATTERY" strikes us, the image that comes to our mind is a solid black/gray rectangular piece, which only change its shape when its about to explode, and we definitely don't want that to happen. But things are about to change, and change will revolutionize the world of batteries.

Have you ever imagined that how convenient it would be that we can twist and turn batteries according to our will? We can fit one battery to any device we want to fit into, without any interruption caused. Thanks to Arizona State University Research team, the vision of flexible is now possible.

The research team of Arizona State University has developed a battery which could actually not just be bend, but stretched up-to 150 percent of its actual length and that too with uninterrupted power supply. The team says that the secret behind their achievement is the Japanese art of folding and cutting material known as Kirigami. The team attached their prototype battery with Samsung gear 2 watch and proved that flexible batteries can be a feasible source of uninterrupted power for electronic wearable.

According to Hanqing Jiang an associate professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy "Such a battery could potentially be used to replace the bulky and rigid batteries that are limiting the development of compact wearable electronic devices". Mr. Jiang also said that, the technology can directly be woven into fabrics and would work as fine as any other battery.

It is clear enough that soon the days of solid Li-ion (Lithium Ion) batteries would be gone. The compact design and ability to fit in to any device will make this invention go viral like hot-cakes.

Source: www.engadget.com