Google to Faster Chrome with Adobe's Help

Tech giant Google's famous web browser Chrome is known world-wide as the battery eating monster by the mobile users and the company is thinking seriously over it. The most recent step that has been taken to find this issues is to cut flash content on the browser. Google has made a team with famous photoshop tool-maker Adobe to make that this perception about Chrome gets changed. Well, the thinking is definitely good and very compatible for the mobile world where people are always looking for a power source to charge their smartphone for using it continuously.

One of the Google Software engineer and power conservationist Tommy Lee said, “The feature is aimed at allowing users to surf the web longer before having hunt for a power outlet.” Though there was no information revealed on how much battery savings one can do. Still, it would serve like a gift for the users. However, the flash advertisement will get a setback as they now have turn all these ads into HTML5 content.

Google is offering tools for making these new HTML5 ads and will also launch a campaign as well. It also says that the flash ads are not viable om any mobile device OS, but HTML5 could do those things. And, there is always an option for the users to enable or disable the flash content using settings of Chrome browser.