• Technology

Instagram's Multiple Account Feature Bug Hits Android Platform

Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social networking service that is now owned by social networking website Facebook. The app allows its users a simple way to capture and share their moments with the world either publically or privately. Just last week, the app started rolling out the Multiple Account support feature on v7.15 that as per reports had begun its testing phase in November last year.

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As per the latest reports, the newly launched feature has now been hit by a major bug that lets people access other user's Instagram notifications without information. The bug, for now, is limited to Android platform only, but it might spread to other platforms as well if not cured. As per the reports, if two users are for instance accessing account A and B, and account B and C respectively where account B is the shared account then the bug lets both users view notifications from each other's personal accounts as well.

The bug was first spotted by Android Central, and in its official report it stated that users receive notifications meant for the shared account holder, but they often lead to nothing when tapped and they are directed to their own account page instead. However, the notification alert does reveal the name of the person who did the comment also indicating the post alongside. Adding to the woes of the user's the notifications of other account holder are also pushed and sometimes the user can view the snippet of the comment as well.

However, Instagram has acknowledged the bug and is now working on it furiously to fix it and it is expected that the fix would be rolled out in the next update. The company as of now wants the users to deactivate the shared account and simply access the personal account until the bug gets resolved.