Dell Equips XPS 13 with Linux Operating System

It was back in the month of January when Dell launched it sleek XPS 13 series laptop and did it especially for the developers, but the idea didn't took off very well. Now, the company has launched the Linux equipped version of its XPS 13 laptop to make it a bit more developer friendly. The machine is compact, attractive and optimized for faster performance without the Windows OS though. There is no doubt about Dell being one of the profound companies in the world which develops some serious machines for all type of users, like this XPS 13 Ubuntu version for developers and Allenware for gamers.

There also would be many options to choose and configure the laptop and the price range would be between US $ 949 to US $ 1,849, totally depending upon how you like your laptop to work. The company has also addressed the issues of touchpad and repeating keystroke that came soon after its launch during January. Dell said on this topic “There were issues with the touchpad and a repeating keystroke that look longer to address than we and others, would have liked.”

 Dell XPS Ubuntu

Well, the machine definitely seems to be a developer's gadget, but the general population can also have taste of Ubuntu and the trend is also increasing with Windows OS becoming kind of thing of past for people, irrespective of the latest advancements and still being the right companion to make people computer-friendly.