Ayurvedic Treatments for your Toothache

  • 1st, Feb 2014 10:44 AM
  • SAGMart Team
  • View: 1631
  • badnormalgoodbetterbest  (1 rate)

Human Being often encounters a lot of health related problems. Some diseases get self treated while some takes a lot of time. The care should be taken as soon as possible so as to keep them away. The carelessness gets reflected over the daily jobs.

The problem related to teeth has become common nowadays. A small prick or pain in teeth does pains a lot and becomes intolerable. Every single task becomes a torture due to toothache and hence it should be cured.

Do you want protection against toothache? We have brought some effective tips which are very helpful to overcome teeth problems:

Ayurvedic Treatment:

  • Mustard oil is very effective natural option for toothache. We should mix up a pinch of salt in it and should massage on gum which is affected by pain.
  • Another effective idea is using fresh pieces of onion on the affected portion of the tooth or gum. It relieves from pain in the teeth or gum.
  • Using lemon juice on the affected part is also very helpful.
  • Any person, who is affected by the toothache, must use fluoride toothpaste and mouth wash.
  • It is very beneficial for you if you get it checked by doctor in every six month.

Here are some tips that you can use if you cannot meet your dentist at times:

  • Keep distance from aspirin or aspirin containing products.
  • Don't use much hot and cold in eating.
  • Place the clove lint on affected area of teeth or gum.
  • Wash your mouth every day very carefully.