Immune System kills leukemia

  • 22nd, Feb 2014 2:54 PM
  • SAGMart Team
  • View: 1616
  • badnormalgoodbetterbest  (1 rate)

Immune System of cancer patients has fought with leukemia, 88 percent patients are succeeded, a report by US researchers.

Researchers have killed leukemia with the help of patient's immune system, almost 88 percent trial patients are rescued from the blood cancer.

Science Translation Medicine journal published about the trial, where 16 cancer patients were treated who were suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The term "acute" refers to the situation where if the patient is not treated, it could become incurable. "ALL" is a kind of leukemia which starts from patient's white blood cells called lymphocytes, said According to, ALL affected 6220 people worldwide and killed about 1440 from this type of cancer, in 2014. According to research, Children are most affected by ALL. People involved in trial exposed that they were close to death and chemotherapy was not working effectively.

The patient's average age was 50 at the time of trial. 14 out of 16 patients attain complete relief after their T cells were genetically engineered which can help in curing cancer. The process involves re-educating the T cells. Lymphocyte plays a crucial role in cell-building immunity. Infected cells get removed and they are converted to protein called CD19 on the cancer cells. This way the T cells can fight with the infected cells. Without this therapy, only 30 percent of temporary cured patients would go for chemotherapy.

The reason behind the failure of therapy has not been found yet by the doctors. The therapy is very high in cost; it goes around $100,000 per patient. But this price may decrease with the help of pharmaceuticals.