Google's Efforts to improve the Google Voice Transcription

Google Voice Transcribe Voicemail, everyone is clear about the technology, a service which let you to send voicemail messages to any voice phone number. But what about the illogical and disordered voice transcription you have received? It often happens when you get voice transcribe with poor audio quality or the garbled one which is received in text message instead of voice message.

To remove all these discrepancies, Google needs its users to help them in making transcribe better. To make the transcription better, you can manually edit the message and send it to the Google for improvements.

How to Make Better Voicemail Transcription?

  • Sign-in to the Google Voice and go to the Voicemails section.
  • Here you will find the option of sharing your voicemail messages for checking accuracy to analyze.
  • The automated system will do all the analysis to make voicemail transcription better.
  • To get into the editable text box, click on transcript's text to change it. Sending the voicemail messages to Google, you simply need to check on the "donate this voicemail" box.

You can submit the individual message to Google for analyze and you can also send all messages to the system automatically as well. You can also disable this feature also, if you don't need it. This can be done through the settings page of Google Voice.