Google Added New Scanning Feature To Gmail For Confidential Data

Back in 2015, the tech giant Google announced its Data Lost Prevention (DLP) service. Earlier this month, Google launched Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Gmail that allows to read the email attachments with better security. This action is introduced with the aim to prevent employees from leaking company's sensitive information to those person's who shouldn't have it.

Read more: Google Announced Gmail's Features To The Non-Gmail Users Of Android

Google Added New DLP Feature To Read email Texts

The tech firm has introduced DLP for e-mail texts while OCR for attachments. OCR can be able to analyse the common image types and search for data with security numbers or passwords. The newly introduced technology can now scan the document and match keywords to the admin's approved blacklist.

Also Read: Gmail Added Features to Notify Emails From Unencrypted Sources

Gmail Has Added New Security Features

The Silicon valley based Google revealed in a blog post that "Sensitive information can reside not just in text documents, but in scanned copies and images as well. With the new OCR enhancement, DLP policies can now analyse common image types, and extract text for policy evaluation."

DLP Policy Framework
Additionally, Google has also launched a set of content detectors for DLP. The newly introduced detection parameters are dubbed as Count parameter and Confidence parameter. These content detectors allow admins to easily scan emails for personally identifiable information (PII) in several additional countries and provide better coverage of HIPAA data as well.

"Underneath any quick answers, you'll see a "Top results" section that orders emails by relevance. Below that is all the email results, ordered by date, but chances are you won't have to look here often," added the company blog post.

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