HTTP/2 Finalized: How it will affect your Web Browsing Speed?

Finally, the update of HTTP has become live. The existence of HTTP/2 has become a reality now. The update has been finalized and is in the process of standardization. According to one of the latest blog by Mark Nottingham (head of the IETF HTTP Working Group), the standard was completed on 18th Feb and it has been passed to RFC Editor to go through editorial processes. This update has been made in the protocol years after HTTP/1.1 was adopted in 1999.

But, it has been stated by the group that this advancement will definitely be beneficial in web core technology. According to this revised protocol, there will be an increase in the browsing speed, reduction in amount of bandwidth required and availability of more secure connections.

Talking about the benefits endowed by this new change, HTTP/2 uses multiplexing which allows the responsive website owners to get rid of "head-of-line blocking" problem, which was faced in HTTP/1.1. Earlier, there was only one data request handling capability even though four to eight TCP/IP connections were allotted. But with HTTP/2, although each website is given one TCP/IP; multiple requests can be handled simultaneously. This will result in faster and secure data connection.

A new concept of Server Push has also been added in this update. In this, whenever a website will be called from the server, whole content will be sent to the client except the one already present in the cache memory. Earlier, each content like JavaScript files, flash files, images and more were moved individually from server to client. Also, with the use of HTTP/2, the use of TLS (the standard form of SSL) is overwhelmed.

So, with this single change in Internet field, we can expect a smart, fast and secure data connection over the globe.
