Microsoft Android Emulation Project Astoria goes on hold indefinitely

A few months back, the media was flooded with the news in concern for running Android OS on a Windows phone. It was taken as one of the security flow that allows the operator to install Android onto a Windows based smart-phone.
Microsoft keeps the issue of limited applications in the windows store, earlier announced in the conference that they are going to provide software bridges that will allow the users to run applications of different OS compatibility over their windows phone. The company also initialized the homework on one of them, named as Project Astoria. But according to the recent leaks, the launch of this bridge software is delayed indefinitely.

Flashing some light in this Window-Android bridge, Project Astoria is a software that will remove the app-gap and allow the Android apps to run on Windows phones. It is basically an Android emulator that means your APK file can be executed in windows smart-phone without any hurdle. But with this software, many issues have arisen amongst the developers. On one hand where it will enable the security flaw for the hackers, on the other hand, it will degrade the moral of developers who pay their day and night to provide the native applications for Windows store.

Apart from Astoria project, the company has also initiated other projects that will allow the user to run apps from the iTunes Store, BB store and Web apps onto their windows based smart-phone. The projects are named as below.

•    Project Westminster - For porting Web apps
•    Project Centennial - For porting Classic Win32 apps
•    Project Islandwood - For porting iOS apps
•    Project Astoria - For emulating Android apps