According to the reports, Volkswagen is soon going to add a new top-spec variant, the Highline Plus to the existing Vento sedan range in India. While the launch of the unit is expected to happen sometime near in the future, prices have already been surfaced on online. Featured with some additional premium equipment, the new Vento Highline Plus will go on sale at the starting price of INR 11.39 lakh (Ex-showroom). Check out the price list of all the variants of Highline Plus below:
Note: All perices Ex-showroom, Mumbai
Volkswagen Vento HL Plus 1.6 Petrol MT: INR 11.39 lakh
Volkswagen Vento HL Plus 1.5 TDI MT: INR 12.81 lakh
Volkswagen Vento HL Plus 1.2 TSI DSG : INR 12.67 lakh
Volkswagen Vento HL Plus 1.5 TDI DSG AT: INR 14.09 lakh
Apart from the features like full LED headlamp clusters, LED daytime running lights and a reverse camera, there is nothing new to this Highline Plus edition. There is also rumored for the new 16-inch alloy wheels. Some dealerships across the country have also started accepting bookings for the car at a token amount of INR 75,000. Besides, dealers have also commenced receiving the first slot of TSI DSG transmission-equipped cars and are promising deliveries for the other motor options near to six weeks.
Engine options for this new Highline Plus variant will be similar to the regular one including both petrol and diesel. The specification of the petrol engine concludes a 1.2-litre TSI and a 1.6-litre motor generating 103 Bhp with 175 Nm and 105 bhp with 153 Nm. The diesel engine, on the other hand, gets a 1.5-litre producing 108 bhp with 250 Nm. Rest of the details will come out with the launch of this unit.