Act 144 in Daundiya Kheda, ASI will Dig out 1000 ton Ancient Gold

  • 18th, Oct 2013 12:50 PM
  • SAGMart Team
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The mining to quest for the ancient 1000 ton gold has been started. Everyone in the country is waiting for the hidden gold. Daundiya Kheda town has been put under act 144. The town comes under Unnav district, Uttar Pradesh. The master mind saint Shobhan Sarcar has worshiped God before starting the quest and mining for the gold. On one hand, archeological survey of India (ASI) has started their search for the same on the basis of the dream which the mentioned saint had seen. On the other hand, as per the local people and the emperor’s offspring/children’s words, achieving the buried gold in not an easy task.

UP Gold NewsAccording to the senior citizens of the town, they believe that the khazana is circean. Even the ASI team also agreed upon this fact that it is going to be really tough to get the gold out. The fort over which this procedure will be carried upon belongs to the emperor RAJA RAO RAM BAKSH SINGH and the lord of manor related with the construction of the fort i.e Tilak Chandi Rajput has made it in 17th century.

It is believed that the person has buried the gold first and then constructed the fort over it. Many people reckon that ancient emperors of different estates who were fighting with Britishers had contacted Raja Rao Ram Baksh Singh to bury their gold beneath their fort as it was the safest place. The ASI personnel consider the gold to be 15 feets under the ground. The cost of the gold is estimated to be around 3 lakh crores.