Intex, the renowned indigenous smartphone maker has launched a new smartphone dubbed as Intex Elyt E7 at Rs. 7,999. The handset is Amazon exclusive and the highlighting features are - massive 4020mAh battery, ultrafast fingerprint scanner, and Android 7.0 Nougat OS. This latest Intex smartphone is available to buy in gold color and bears sleek metal body. The fingerprint scammer has been embedded on the back, just below the rear camera sensor. The speaker grille has also been allocated at the back, whereas, the volume and power keys are situated on the right edge of the Intel Elyt E7; the Micro-USB port sits at the bottom edge, while the 3.5mm audio jack is located on the top edge corner of the smartphone.
On the specification front, this dual-SIM supporting device has a 5.2 inch HD display that comes with a pixel density of 16.7 millions colors. The Elyt E7 mobile has been powered by a 1.25GHz MediaTek MT6737V quad-core SoC paired along with 3GB of RAM and Mali-T720 GPU. The handset has 32GB of internal storage t6hat can be further expanded up to 128GB via microSD card.
Also Read: Intex Aqua Crystal Plus Launched In India: Comes With 4G VoLTE At Just Rs. 6,799
On the camera section, the Intex Elyt E7 comes with a 13-megapixel rear camera with f/2.2 aperture and LED flash support, and on the front side, it has been equipped with a 5-megapixel camera with a f/2.2 aperture for selfies and video calls. The smartphone has been powered by huge 4020mAh Li-Polymer battery, which has been claimed by the company to provide a talk time of 15-16 hours along with a standby time of more than 15 days. apart from 4G VoLTE support the Intex Elyt E7 has the connectivity options like - OTG, FM Radio, GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Hotspot, and Wi-Fi. The top smartphone sensors included in this latest Intex smartphone are G-sensor, light sensor, and proximity sensor. The dimensions of the Intex Elyt E7 are 140x71.2x7.4mm, and it weighs 156 grams.
At the launch event, Nidhi Markanday, Director and Business Head, Intex Technologies said, "With Elyt E7, Intex has unveiled its latest tech marvel for the year 2017, a symbol of style, strength, technology and performance for the ubiquitous users and the market. We constantly work towards providing all in one featured aspired by consumer packed in one device at pocket-friendly prices. We always strive to make our products a customer delight. We have further enriched our diverse product portfolio to stay ahead on time and made our offerings the best of all for our discerning consumers."
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