Microsoft Research Starts Working on Holograms Video Calls Feature

The Microsoft has recently reported that its research work is on for Hologram Video Calls, using AR technology. The company's new venture has been named Room2Room Project and the new innovation is an advanced version of its earlier RoomAlive project. In this technology Kinect Depth cameras, along with Digital Projectors are used to create a room-sized Augmented-Reality area. AR technology has been lagging far behind from the VR technology, but Room2Room project is definitely going to give it an upper hand over its counterpart.

The recent report has created a lot of buzz, as Microsoft has planned to focus the research mainly on Hologram Video Calls. The research is all set to change the arena of video calling. The use of Room2Room technology enables a user to view the other person live in front of him. It's different from Skype or any other video calling facility since in these services one can only see the other person on the screen of their smartphone or tablet. The Room2room technology is one step ahead and promises to change our interaction process.


Though the results are positive, still Microsoft feels that Room2Room technology is not yet ready for commercial use since it requires usage of bulky hardware. Microsoft is also testing HoloLens to display the other person's projection, the success of this may lead to the curtail of hardware issue and can pave a path for its day to day use.

The technology was experimentally tested and since the results were positive it gave a moral boost to the confidence of the researchers involved. A puzzle was put forward and asked to solve using 3-D blocks. Interestingly, it took nine minutes to solve it by Skype interaction and when Room2Room interaction technology was used, it was solved in just seven minutes.